Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 19 and 20...

Been a nice vacation so far...getting stuff done and relaxing when I can. Therefore, as I anticipated, I missed a day of updates. Just an FYI...probably gonna miss another day...due to stuffing my face with Turkey and then sitting in a coma like state watching football and visiting with family!

Day 19 - Lil Chickie and I walked for 45 the bright sun...came back dripping sweat and beet red! 30 push ups and intense house cleaning (bending, squatting, stretching, etc...) rounded everything up.

Breakfast was a banana and a cup of coffee. Lunch was a small salad and leftover Chicken Chile. Because I ate lunch so late, I wasn't really hungry for dinner, so I snacked on some Goldfish crackers instead.

3 bottles of water and a glass of Hawaiian Punch.

Day 20 - Lil Chickie and I got up and went to have doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, dropped off items at Goodwill, then headed to Wal-Mart. That right there should have been our work-out for the day. Inevitably, every time I go to Wal-Mart, I end up walking the whole store at least twice...usually because I go to one side, then to the other, only to realize I forgot something from the other side and have to go back! But, we still came home and walked for 40 minutes. I also threw in 30 push ups for good measure!

While at Wal-Mart, I FINALLY purchased a new scale! Nothing too fancy, no bells and whistles...but it's digital...easier to read than the piece of poo I was using...and so far WAY more accurate! Good news/Bad news...not sure which...the new scale pretty much matched the old scale (give or take a pound), but so much easier to read and I weighed three times in a row and got a consistent number. So, for now, I'm a happy girl!

Breakfast was approx. 8 - 10 doughnut holes and chocolate milk. Lunch was a large salad with avocado, slivered almonds, boiled eggs, bacon pieces and approx. 2 tbsp. Italian dressing (so yummy). Dinner was Lipton Broccoli Rice, shared with Lil Chickie.

Only 2 bottles of water and 2 glasses of Hawaiian Punch.

Here's hoping your eating/exercise plan is going well.

Till tomorrow...

Monday, November 19, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 18

Yesterday was weigh-in day, but who the heck knows if I lost or gained? Seriously, y'all. I get on again, off again, set the dial thingie, on again, off again, re-adjust the dial thingie, on again, off again, and so on. The first time it said I stayed the same, the second time it said I gained like 6 pounds, third time I had actually lost two...I mean, really? This is just too dang frustrating. I promise I'm not in denial and as much as I'd like to lose weight each week, I'd be ok if I didn't, but the fact that I really can't get an accurate reading...and maybe never had an accurate reading to begin enough to drive me batty! So...I'm going this soon as buy a better scale. Maybe I won't like the numbers...or maybe I'll find that I haven't lost as much as I think I have...but at least it will be a little more accurate (hopefully) and a LOT less frustrating! So, for now, I'm going to go with - I stayed the gain, no loss. That puts me WAY behind on the "30 scale", but that's ok...I want to report accurately...or as close to as possible.

I did finally take my measurements (NO, I won't tell you what they were). I can't believe I didn't do this when I first started...not that there would have been that dramatic of a change in two weeks, but I've always said how important it is to take your measurements! As you start to make better eating choices and increase your exercise and weight lifting, you may find every now and then that you don't lose weight, or may in fact gain a pound or two, but you'll find that you may have lost an inch or two instead! For me, it's not about the's about how I look and feel. I've said it before, so I'll say it again...I wouldn't care if I weighed 500 pounds...if I could fit in a size 2 (little far fetched, but you know what I mean!)

Lil Chickie and I went for a brisk (but slightly slower) walk yesterday...about 45 minutes. My hip, knee and ankles are down to the bone...almost like growing pains or something. Still pushing through it...wanna take advantage of my time to walk in the sun!

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee. Lunch was Olive Garden salad and Lobster Canneloni with Shrimp and Marscapone Cheese (yes, it was as rich as it sounds and very good). Dinner was pizza. (Can you tell I wasn't happy about the weigh-in results? Just threw my hands up and enjoyed my day of food!)

2 1/2 bottles of water...Peach/Raspberry Tea...1 glass of Hawaiian Punch.

Till tomorrow...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 17...

I felt this was appropriate as I had one of those days where I just felt like a big ole' fattie and like nothing is happening and if I'd had a big bowl of brownies, I probably would have eaten them all. Thank Heaven, I did not! I suppose we all go through that every now and then, but I've had great success so far...lost at least 10 pounds already (maybe more...weigh in day tomorrow), so I'll just chalk it up to the funky blues and keep on keeping on! Of course, it also doesn't help that I was all crampy and bloated again and back hurting...body just feeling all kinds of icky!

I did a little cleaning...mostly picking up Lil Chickie's toys and belongings, kitchen, and laundry (until the dryer died on me)! Finished contract work then packed up Lil Chickie for our walk. Still feeling pretty poopy (how can your sinuses be stuffed up and running at the same time?) and my knees and ankles are hurting pretty badly, so I only walked about 30 minutes. I didn't want to push too hard...wanna be able to walk some more this week! Also got in 30 leg lifts and 2 sets of 30 counter push-ups.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and pancakes with Lil Chickie. Lunch was a mixed green salad with slivered almonds, boiled egg, bacon pieces, avocado and approx. 2 tbsp. Italian dressing. Dinner was Chicken Chile with Hominy, Great Northern Beans, Celery, Onion and a Potato.

3 1/2 bottles of water and 2 glasses of Hawaiian Punch.

Looking forward to walking again tomorrow!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 16...

Lazy night last night. Lil Chickie and I hung out, watched some t.v. and went to bed at a fairly reasonable hour. Still not feeling 100%...dragging me down!! I did accomplish some leg lifts, calf raises, and butt clenches throughout the day.

Breakfast was a banana and a mini-bagel with cream cheese and 2 cups of coffee. Lunch was some mini sandwiches, pita chips and spinach artichoke dip and a slice of pumpkin pie. Dinner was a few left-over mini sandwiches and tortilla chips and homemade salsa and two Shortbread Cookies for dessert.

3 bottles of water and a glass of Hawaiian Punch with dinner.

Sadly, that's all to report for today. Quite uneventful and unmotivating...but looking forward to getting a walk in tomorrow!

Friday, November 16, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 15...

It has been one heck of a week! Between the holiday coming up and me trying to avoid getting sick, things have just been crazy upside-down for me!

No workout last night. Still a little under the weather and had a little work to do, but did manage about...ummm...2 minutes of dancing with the radio and 30 leg lifts and butt clenches.

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee and half a banana. Lunch was another Large Spinach Salad. Dinner was Macaroni and Cheese and Pinto Beans.

Only 2 bottles of water... definitely gotta step it up!

I'm sooooo looking forward to the holiday! I have all of next week off and I'm looking forward to relaxing, getting in some good walking in the sunshine, spending time with the kids and family, and enjoying (probably too much) some delicious Thanksgiving yummies! I will still attempt to update each day...but we'll see!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 14...

I'm not entirely sure about this statement...when I'm sick, I certainly feel like something's trying to kill me...and DEFINITELY don't feel stronger. BUT...the key is to try and push through what you can...keep on going and ignore (to the best of your ability) that demon that's trying to get you down!

I felt like complete dog poop last night, but I packed up Lil Chickie and headed to the grocery store. My cupboards were completely bare...time to stock up! Might not have been "hard-core", but walked for over an hour...up and down the aisles...bending and stretching to pick up all the items that Lil Chickie kept pulling out of her bag and throwing "overboard"! I'd call that a semi-workout! I also managed to get in 30 leg lifts, calf raises, and some butt clenching while ironing!

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee, a Banana Nut Muffin and some Pumpkin Streusel Dump Cake thingie that a co-worker made. Doesn't sound very appealing, but was yum-yum delish! Lunch was left over Tilapia, Lima Beans and Corn...and 2 cake balls. Dinner was a large Spinach Salad...with real bacon pieces, slivered almonds, boiled eggs, and only a few tablespoons of Ranch dressing (just enough to barely coat the leaves). Oh my word...I freaking love Spinach salad! Even Lil Chickie was getting down with the's just that good! If you haven't read it yet, check out my blog about the health benefit of Eggs. Dessert was a small glass (about 4 oz.) of Southern Comfort (non-alcoholic) Vanilla Spice Egg Nog. Oh, Stars and Garters, y'all! I am NOT an egg nog person...I force myself to try some every year, just to see if my taste buds have changed, but usually only wind up reminding myself of how much I am NOT an egg nog person! BUT...Holy Cow...let me tell you...this stuff is un-freaking-believable! Like, so much so, I will literally have to force myself not to drink the whole dang carton! 

2 1/2 bottles of water, cup of Echinacea tea, and a small glass of Hawaiian Punch today. Oh...and that 4 ounces of Egg Nog.

Picked up some OTC medicine while at the store. No time for this "crud" to set up shop it keep on moving. Here's hoping I can knock it out quickly and be back in gear soon!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 13...

Uggghhh! I knew it was coming. It's that time of year and all the dang work peoples who just aren't smart enough to stay their sick butt's home just bring it in and the passing of the cooties begins! My eyes are burning and dry...I look like a mad person, continuously squinting to see something! My sinuses are starting to clog up and my back aches like someone whooped up on me with a bat! I'm so hoping I can nip it in the bud quickly and avoid the flu that this seems to wanna be! And just in time for Thanksgiving. Thanks everybody!!

Needless to say, no workout last night. Actually that was more due to the fact that I had unexpected guests drop I chose to visit with them and skip the work out! I don't have high hopes for accomplishing much working out today...especially if my condition continues to worsen as it has done all morning.

Breakfast was half of a blueberry muffin and half of a chocolate chip muffin and 2 cups of coffee. Lunch was left over pork chops, peas and mashed potatoes...with a few cake balls. Dinner was pan seared Tilapia, white corn, and lima beans...and a few more cake balls.

2 bottles of water, cup of Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care Wellness Tea, and a soda.

Here's hoping this "crud" passes quickly and I can get it in gear again!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 12...

Kept it light last night. Used my BioForce Home Gym to do a few sets of arm and ab exercises. Only about 10 minutes though. Just wasn't feeling it...quite tired and still a little sore. Did get in some much needed stretching...especially of the legs!

Two cups of coffee for breakfast and worked right on through lunch. Had a few cake balls, but just didn't have time to stop and find something to eat. Not healthy! Dinner was fried pork chops, green peas and mashed potatoes...with a couple of cake balls for dessert.

3 1/2 bottles of water for the day.

Busy day today and headache looming...not sure if/what my workout will be tonight!

Monday, November 12, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 11...

Yesterday was "weigh-in" day. Anyone feel like donating a better scale? I replaced my last scale (which just suddenly froze one day) with the cheap dial version and I'm realizing now that I got what I paid for! Every time I weigh myself, I have to adjust the stupid little wheel adjuster thingie about 10 times before I can get what I feel is even close to an accurate reading. I swear, I could not touch it and weigh myself 5 times and get a different number each time. So, after adjusting it a ridiculous amount of times, and coming up with fairly consistent numbers, the good news is, it appears that I lost another 2 pounds...that's 10 pounds in about as many days!

I took advantage of some extra time to get a little cleaning done around mi casa. Scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning kitchen, doing laundry, etc... In addition, Lil Chickie and I still managed to get in some stretching and a 45 minute walk...power walking like a boss! Got back dripping sweat and face beet red...I'd say that was a heck of a workout! Also, did 30 leg lifts, 30 calf raises, 30 hamstring lifts and some butt clenches while I did some ironing!

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with Lil Chickie. Lunch was the last of the Conchitas and a little queso and chips. Dinner was a Ramen Noodle Soup with Cauliflower added. Sweet tooth came back again, so I made some cake's what I had on hand! BUT...controlled portions...hopefully!

3 1/2 bottles of water...shared a little with Lil Chickie.

My calves and knees are killing me. I may have power walked just a little too hard this weekend! It feels like my calves are stuck in a permanent charlie horse. AND...Lil Chickie decided (AGAIN) that she would stay up till 12:30 a.m. leaving me sore, tired and just a tad cranky today! Taking it easy on the walking for a day or two...time to focus on some ab and arm workouts!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 10

I woke up raring to go...eager to be active and get stuff done! Had some breakfast with Lil Chickie then started work early (I  do contract work at home on an as needed basis). After a bit, I took a break and Lil Chickie and I went for a long the bright, beautiful sunshine. 

A nice 45 minute walk...calves screaming...feeling the burn in my thighs and hips...really working it! Not only do I alternate paces, I alternate strides...this allows different areas to rest while other areas get to feel the burn. We got back home (me dripping sweat), did some much needed stretching, 30 leg lifts, 30 push-ups, 30 calf raises, and some butt clenches. We then took  an even more much needed shower, and then ate lunch. Lil Chickie then passed out for what turned into a 2 1/2 hr. nap...which I took full advantage of to finish working, do some laundry, and do some blogging!

Breakfast was a lightly fried corn tortilla with cheese and some homemade maple and brown sugar oatmeal with two cups of coffee. Lunch and dinner was leftover Conchitas and the last brownie.

4 bottles of water today. Naturally, I find that I drink more water on the days I get a walk in. It just tastes so much better!

The 2 1/2 hr. nap came back to bite me in the butt as Lil Chickie decided to fight sleep and kept me up until 12:30 p.m....usually not that big a deal...I've always been a night-owl...but since I didn't take a nap and had such an amazing, strenuous day of work/working out, I was really freaking tired! When she finally went down, I crawled in bed and passed out immediately!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 9

So, yesterday I was all crampy and bloaty and just generally feeling yucky! There was just no way I was talking myself into doing 30 minutes of activity once I got was all I could do to make it through the day! However, every other Friday morning I do supply shopping for work. That consists of going to two or three stores, shopping (which means lots of walking), loading and unloading, and putting everything away. It involves a lot of lifting, bending, stretching, sweating, I'm calling that my 30 minutes of exercise for the day!

Breakfast was an oh so scrumpdiddlyumptious cup of Starbucks Caramel Brulee Latte (don't get to enjoy those too often) and half a banana (Lil Chickie got the other half)! Lunch was a microwaveable Michelina's Shrimp Scampi. Dinner was Conchitas (essentially Mexican goulash) and a couple of shortbread cookies for dessert.

Only 2 bottles of water today...and two glasses of tea for dinner.

Tomorrow is "weigh-in" day. Here's hoping the scale moves in my favor!

Friday, November 9, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 8...

Not much to report for yesterday, unfortunately. Had some work to do at home so didn't get in too much exercise. Did manage 30 leg lifts, 30 hamstring lifts, 30 calf raises and a couple of butt clenches. Not the workout I need, but still something!

Last of the pumpkin seeds for breakfast/brunch. Lunch was beans and rice and Enchilada casserole...although I started getting full really quickly and wound up with heartburn the rest of the day. You know...that kind where you're scared to burp cuz you might throw up a little...yeah, it was gross! Needless to say, I pretty much skipped dinner...munched on some goldfish crackers while I worked and had a root beer to help with the heartburn and slight headache.

3 bottles of water today. I'm meeting my goal, but feel that I need to increase just a bit more...definitely feel the difference...especially in the potty breaks. I just look at it as literally flushing the fat and toxins away. Is it just me, or does anyone else ever picture a counterclockwise whirlpool of yuckiness swirling down your insides as you release your "business"? Like flushing your inner toilet...before you flush your outer one?Yeah...I figured...just me!

Got more work I'm all crampy and probably not getting much workout tonight (although I did quite a bit this morning...will tell you about that next time), but am looking forward to a long walk tomorrow...when I can get out in the sun!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 7...

Totally snatched up Lil Chickie from the sitter and made it home in time to get a good walk in! Got approx. 3.5 - 4 miles in...and in about 40 minutes! Could absolutely feel the burn as I walked (with spurts of jogging). Got back home, dripping sweat, and did a little stretching, 30 push ups, and about 5 minute free weight arm routine (30 reps of each lift...keeping it real, yo!).

On the last leg of our walk, we encountered a squirrel who was either on his last leg and just didn't give a damn anymore or, and I much prefer to think of him this way, was a total bad-ass and just didn't give a crap! He sat in the middle of the street as the cars passed him by, then totally scampered through the grass, onto the sidewalk and under Lil Chickie's stroller...sending a group of three pre-teens, who happened to be passing us at the time, screaming bloody murder as they ran like the devil himself were after I just cautiously lifted the stroller up (cuz as cute as those furry little critters may be, they can be vicious little bastards when they wanna be and I could just see him clawing his way up Lil Chickie and me having to choke the living daylights out of him to defend her thus proving that he wasn't the little bad-ass that he originally set out to be) and he just trotted out and up the nearest tree. "Super-squirrel" fo' sure!

Coffee and 2 caramel rice cakes for breakfast (those suckers are actually pretty darn good). Leftover vegetables for lunch (with a brownie for dessert) and Pot Roast with Potato's and Carrots and a side of rice and beans for dinner (and another brownie)...all shared with Lil Chickie (naturally)!

4 bottles of water...down the hatch...easily...and with a big "AGGGHHHH!"

I don't know if I'm actually making a difference as far as losing weight, but it feels good to get active. It at least feels like you're making a matter what the mirror or scale may say. And it's all about how you feel, right?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 6...

Oh, I'm soooo not even close to "success" or being where I need/want to be...but I like'd the positive message behind  this! It's all about not giving up. If I miss a day...or eat poorly...or just feel like being lazy every now and's long as I get right back to it!

I know I just began this...and really am not giving it as much effort as I really could/should be, but already I feel like I'm making a difference. I wake up and feel muscles hurt, which sux, but means that I'm putting them to good knee is killing me, but only because I walked my butt off two nights ago! Slowly...slowly...slowly...headed in the right direction!

Lil Chickie wasn't having any of it last night. I rushed home (which means I sat in an hour of traffic) to get some working out/dancing in, but she was all about the clinging and fussing. She's teething (AGAIN) and just a tad sick, so she totally comes first! I did manage to get in about 10 minutes of kettelbelling and a few leg lifts and butt clenches.

Lunch was leftover vegetables and 2 biscuits with honey. Dinner was all new vegetables...sugar snap peas and zucchini! However, my sweet-tooth came a I gave in and made a batch of brownies. Gonna take it nice and easy with those oh so yummy morsels of gooey goodness!

3 bottles of water today.

Here's hoping I get a walk in tonight! If not, I'm so gonna do jumping jacks, running in place, whatever I gotta do to get in some work out time!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 5...

Crazy Daylight Savings Time has me running around like a crazy person! Left work yesterday, picked up Lil Chickie from sitter, rushed home, ran in the house, changed clothes, threw her in the stroller and headed out for my the dark!  It was just too dang dark to be out and about...I only got about 20 minutes of walking in...but I made it count. I was super speed walking and my shins and knees were SCREAMING! Went back home and got in a little stretching, 30 crunches, 30 leg splits, and about 5 minutes of kettlebelling. Lil Chickie was being a bit clingy and I was getting too close to smacking her in the head, so I had to give up the kettlebells for the evening. My knee is definetely rebelling against me today...think I'll take the walking easy for the next day or two!

Breakfast was one biscuit and a coffee. Lunch and dinner was leftover vegetables. Homemade Baked Pumpkin Seeds for snack and ice pops for dessert.

4 bottles of water...YAY!

Think I might work on the arms and abs tonight...maybe a little living room dancing (or as much as I can do with one bum knee...won't that be a sight)???

Monday, November 5, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 4...

OMG! Sunday morning started out great. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, I got my extra hour of sleep...woke up in a great mood...ate breakfast with Lil Chickie...etc.

But about 2:00 p.m. my migraine came ROARING back with a vengeance! Thankfully, Lil Chickie took a 2 hr. nap and I laid with a blanket wrapped around my head (to block out the light) and tried to nap...which with a migraine is more like "dozing" and is not very restful! If you've ever had a migraine then you know the slightest bit of movement can cause immense pain. Needless to say, I once again did not get my 30 minutes of activity in. I did manage a fe leg lifts and butt clenches...but that is it!

Breakfast was scrambled eggs, Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal and biscuits...all shared with Lil Chickie. Lunch was chips and salsa verde and Chicken Tortilla Soup from Gringo's and a small soft serve chocolate ice cream for dessert. Dinner was homemade nachos (chips, beans, cheese, ranch dip, and jalapenos) and ice pops for dessert!

Unfortunately I drank 2 cans of soda because of the migraine, but I did manage to get in 2 bottles of water too.

The good news - I'm down 8 pounds already! Don't ask me how...could be a scale "fluke" or maybe the little bit of exercise and increased water intake have actually made that much of a difference?? For now...I'll take it! We'll have to see what the scale says again next Sunday. In the meantime, I've gotta find a way to rev it back up. As much as I love daylight savings really sux! It gets dark so much faster which leaves me with little light to go walking in! Guess there will be more "living room dancing" and kettlebell workouts from now on!

Has anyone joined me on a 30 day plan? Share if you have any updates or motivation for me!

Crock Pot Beer Chicken...

  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • 1 can of beer
  • 4 or 5 carrots, cut into 1 or 2" pieces (or 10 - 20 baby carrots)
  • 3 to 4 celery stalks, cut into 1 or 2" pieces
  • 1 med. - Lg. onion, cut into 1 or 2" pieces
  • 4 to 6 small to med. red potatoes
  • Your choice of herbs/spices


1. Wash chicken well and take out any innards. Wash carrots, celery, onion, and potatoes.

2. Rub chicken with your choice of seasoning. Stuff with carrots, celery, onion, potatoes. (potatoes cook better on the bottom of the crock pot.)

3. Put the chicken in the crock pot and fill the pot with 1 can of beer.

4. Cook on low for approx. 10 hours.

Note: Place a plate or tray under the crock pot in case of accidental overflow.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 3...

Day 3 didn't go as well as planned. A migraine derailed me for the majority of the day. I did manage to get in about 10ish minutes of dancing/wiggling with Lil Chickie and 30 push ups and leg lifts and butt day not completely wasted.

Breakfast was a fruit smoothie (frozen fruit and juice) and scrambled eggs (Lil Chickie ate most of the eggs). Lunch and Dinner was leftovers from Friday night and a slice of faux rum cake. 2 bottles of water today.

Migraine has followed me into may not be much better tomorrow. I must not let them derail me!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 2...

Family Night right after time for 30 minute "activity" yesterday...although I did do a few leg lifts and butt clenches throughout the day!

Lunch was leftover vegetables from Thursday night, and all natural cup of applesauce, and some Apple Cinnamon Rice Puffs with honey for a snack. Dinner was amazing...Rotisserie Chicken, Broccoli & Rice Casserole, Cabbage, Purple Hull Peas and Dinner Rolls. It was so good, I ate more than I should have! And yet, I still managed to eat a slice of faux Rum Cake. So delicious...but so filling!

3 1/2 bottles of water yesterday...and tea for dinner.

Housecleaning...dancing/playing with Lil Chickie...that will be my activity today!

Time to enjoy my Saturday!

Friday, November 2, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 1...

Yesterday was the first day of my 30/30/30 plan.

When I got home from work, I loaded up Lil Chickie and went for a "stroll" around the neighborhood. And by "stroll", I mean a brisk walk of different paces. I usually put the earbuds in (only one when Lil Chickie is with me) and just walk to the beat of the I get fast, slow and an occasional "jog". And when I say "jog", I mean a 10 - 20 second sudden burst of energy or a "trot" across the street to avoid traffic. It's not so much a stamina or breathing issue that keeps me from jogging, but rather immense pain in my knees, calves, and ankles! I might eventually build up to jogging, but I'm perfectly ok with the brisk walking!

I don't know my exact distance...not really an exact way to measure. The boy suggested I buy one of those "wheel things" to measure distance. Ummm...yeah...cuz that will look so super cool! And really, I'm only doing this for me so exact measurements (as far as distance) don't really matter. I'd say I walked no less than 3 miles and not more than 4. And all in about 40 minutes!

Lunch was Black Eyed Peas and a Michelina's 5 Cheese lasagna. Dinner was vegetables...broccoli, spinach, and corn...and a handful of croutons. I know that sounds like a restrictive diet to some, but I actually LOVE it was all very yummy to me. BUT, I was craving something sweet afterward, so I told the boy to go make us some brownies. He said, "Ummm, that's not going to help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days!" I hate that...but since I didn't feel like making them myself, I opted instead for 2 ice pops. A much healthier choice, I'm sure.

I drank a total of 67.6 ounces of water yesterday...or 4 water bottles!

Tonight is Family Night (once a month gathering of my immediate family for eating, playing games, visiting, etc...), so I'll have to figure out how to get my 30 minutes in. I may just have to double up tomorrow...which is a bad habit I don't want to get into, but sometimes you just gotta!

Slow Cooker Chicken...


  • 1 medium/large whole chicken
  • 1 onion
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 2 teaspoons Mrs. Dash
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon parsley flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper


1. Thaw and clean chicken.

2. Quarter onion and place inside chicken cavity and place in Crock-Pot.

3. Mix spices together in small bowl.

4. Sprinkle spices over chicken. No need to rub, just cover generously. (No need to add any water or liquid.)

5. Cook on high for 4-6 hours, using meat thermometer to ensure it is thoroughly cooked.

Cookies for Any Occasion (Part II)...

Part I was all about the recipe, flavor variations and forming the cookies. Part II is all about forming and designing tips.


Pressed Cookies

Multi-colored Cookies: Prepare 2 or 3 contrasting colors of dough. Roll each color into a 1-inch thick log; place side by side and form into one large log. Place log into barrel of cookie press.

Cut-out Cookies

Shaped Sandwich Cookies: Cut shapes from dough using shaped cookie cutter. Cut out the center of half of the cookies using an apple corer or small round cookie cutter.

When cookies are baked and cooled, spread the back of one of the solid cookies with 1 tablespoon jam or frosting. Make a sandwich using one of the cookies with the hole in the center, allowing the filling to show through. Lightly dust cookies with powdered sugar.

Drop Cookies

Thumbprint Cookies: Roll balls of cookie dough between palms of hands until smooth. Place on Parchment Paper. Make a deep indentation in center. Fill after baking as desired.

Bird's Nest Cookies: Roll balls of cookie dough between palms of hands until smooth; roll in egg white and then into grated nuts. Make a deep indentation in the center. Fill after baking as desired.

Checkered Cookies: Flatten balls of cookie dough to 1/2 inch thickness. Sprinkle cookies with granulated sugar. Place an inverted cooling rack over cookies and gently press down to form checkered pattern.


  • Before baking, lightly brush cookies with milk or egg white using a pastry brush before sprinkling with one of the following: colored sprinkles, colored sugar crystals, or chopped or grated nuts. This will help the decorations to adhere to cookies more evenly.
  • For a simple, yet elegant cookie, top an unbaked, pressed cookie with a single whole almond or a pecan or walnut half.
  • Top hot cookies right out of the oven with chocolate chips or whole chocolate kisses.

  • Pipe a decorative star or rosette onto tops of cooled pressed or thumbprint cookies using a pastry bag and decorative tips. Try soft prepared frostings, peanut butter or any flavor jam. Decorate with sliced almonds, chopped nuts or chocolate curls. Create chocolate curls by holding a vegetable peeler against the narrow side of a chocolate square. Using even pressure, push the blade away from you.
  • To melt chocolate  Coarsely chop 2 squares (2 ounces) baking chocolate (1/2 cup of semi-sweet chocolate morsels can be substituted for baking chocolate). Place in a clean, dry microwave-safe bowl; microwave, uncovered, on High 1 minute, stirring after each 20-second interval, until melted and smooth. (Be careful when melting chocoalte. Excessive heat or water droplets can cause chocolate to stiffen. Stirring is necessary to prevent chocolate from burning.)

Working with Decorator Icing

Decorate cookies with the following powdered sugar icing. Icing will dry hard in 1-2 hours.

1 egg (separated)*
3 cups powdered sugar
2-3 tablespoons water, if necessary
food color (optional)

1. Separate egg. (Set yolk aside for another use.) Beat egg white until frothy using a whisk. Gradually add 3 cups powdered sugar, mixing until very thick and smooth.

2. If desired, divide icing into small bowls. Add food coloring, one drop at a time, until desired color is achieved. If necessary, add water by teaspoonfuls, mixing well after each addition until desired consistency is reached.

3. Decorate cookies as desired.

* 1 tablespoon meringue powder (pasteurized egg whites and cream of tartar), available at craft and retail stores, can be substituted for egg whites. Add to the powdered sugar along with an additional 2 tablespoons of water.

Plastic Piping Bag: Place icing in a small, resealable plastic bag. Twist top of bag to seal; secure with a "chip clip". Cut a very small piece off the corner of the bag to allow icing to run out in a thin stream. (Be careful not to cut too large of a hole.) The bag is now ready to use for drizzling or piping.

Drizzling: Transfer cookies onto cooling rack. Place rack over a piece of Parchment Paper to catch drippings. Drizzle chocolate or icing over cookies using Plastic Piping Bag. Remove cookies to a clean sheet of Parchment Paper.

Piping: Pipe decorations onto cooled cookies using Plastic Piping Bag. Try following the pattern on pressed cookies with melted chocolate or Decorator Icing. When layering colors, make sure to let the first layer dry completely before applying the second color, to avoid bleeding.

Drag-through decorations: Coat cookie with icing, forming a smooth surface. Immediately drop dots of contrasting colored icing from Plastic Piping Bag onto surface of icing. Immediately drag a toothpick through the dot to form a heart...or draw circles or lines and drag a toothpick through to form spider-webs or "funky" patterns.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Getting Started...

Ok...seriously? I'm doing it! I really and truly am! I'm making a commitment to myself (cuz that's all that really matters) to start shedding the pounds! Now is the time for action!

I'm tired of feeling sluggish all the time. Tired of my clothes mysteriously shrinking overnight! Tired of my arse looking more and more like one of the pumpkins we carved last night! It's time to do something about it!

Having kids, getting older, stress...there's always something contributing to my expanding waist/rear. Not to mention the fact that I am absolutely 100% addicted to sweets. I don't know what it is, I mean I've always liked sweets, but it seems that ever since I got pregnant with my second child, I am ADDICTED to sugar! I actually suffered from gestational diabetes during my pregnancy...had to check my blood four freaking times a day and had to take medicine to help lower my levels. I really hoped the addiction would pass once she got here, but it seems to continue to plague me daily! I truly believe it's partly because I quit smoking (almost 2 years now...YAY)...but it seems I've traded one life-threatening vice for another! I've got to overcome!

Now, I'm not gonna go on some crazy fad diet...not going to start counting calories or weighing food...and definitely not revving up to 60 mph in the exercise department...that would last all of about a day! Slow and steady may not "win" the race...but WILL get me there in the end!

So, how am I gonna do it?  Well, I'm so glad you asked! I am starting what I am dubbing the "30/30/30 plan"! 30 least 30 minutes of "activity" per lose 30 pounds! Now realistically, 30 pounds in one month is pushing it...but it can be done!

Of course, I couldn't have picked a worse time to decide to "get it in gear" with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner and all the yummy goodness that goes along with it! But that is precisely why I am choosing now to get started. 1) I can't enjoy all the upcoming goodness without some kind of action plan in place now and 2) this is a good "warm-up" period that I can (hopefully) kick into high gear at the beginning of the new year.

Besides 30 minutes of activity per day (that could mean anything from walking around the neighborhood to doing jumping jacks in my living room to doing a kettlebell work long as I'm moving!), I am making the following commitments:
  • at least "30" ounces of water per day (y'all, that's only 2 water bottles a day...which really should be at least 4 or 5 bottles per day!)
  • at least 3 nights per week will be vegetable/healthy night
That's it! Simple...easy...shouldn't be too hard to stick to! I'll give a brief update each day and see what I wind up with (or without) in 30 days.

I welcome you to join me on my "Shaping up" journey for the next 30 whatever method works for you...and let me know what you're doing to "shape up". A little POSITIVE encouragement and motivation is always welcome and certainly needed!

Perhaps one day soon I will truly be a "LIL" Miss Smarty-Pants!!

And here's a few resources I've checked out and/or will be using...

Monday, October 29, 2012

PDF documents...

The ability to read and to save documents as a PDF (Portable Document File) is becoming more and more common each day. Sending documents as a PDF ensures that the layout and font styles come across - even when the recipients don't have the program you used and PDF's are viewable in multiple platforms. Sending as a PDF also ensures that important documents cannot be accidentally altered

Fortunately, Windows 7 came with the ability to easily save documents as a PDF. Simply the Office button, then the "Save As" command, then select "PDF" and save in the drive and folder of your choice. Easy as 1, 2, 3!

However, if you are using an earlier version of Windows you don't have this option. But don't be dismayed...there are options you can choose from.

You may, of course, purchase an Adobe Acrobat program, which allows you to do super cool functions, such as convert PDF's to other formats, edit PDF documents, and merge and combine files. But if you're simply looking to be able to read PDF documents and/or may occasionally find the need to save a document as a PDF, then purchasing Adobe Acrobat is probably not for you.

Instead, you can try one of these free options:
(As always, use caution when visiting websites and downloading software.)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cookies For Any Occasion (Part I)...

(from The Pampered Chef)

With just 3 ingredients (4 for some of the flavor variations) this cookie recipe is perfect for any occasion! So simple and delicious...


  • 1 pound (4 sticks) butter or margarine, divided (do not use vegetable oil spreads)
  • 2 3/4 cups (11 ounces) all purpose flour
  • 1 package (18.25 white cake mix

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Microwave 2 sticks of butter on High for 1 minute or until melted. Slice remaining butter into 1/2 inch pieces; add to melted butter tossing to coat. Allow butter to stand 3-5 minutes or until softened.

2. Meanwhile, accurately measure flour into large mixing bowl by lightly spooning flour into measuring cup. Level off surface by scraping off additional flour using spatula or butter knife. (For most consistent results, use a kitchen scale to weigh flour.) Add cake mix to flour; blend well using a whisk to break up and large lumps.

3. Using whisk, whisk butter until smooth and free of lumps. If necessary, return butter to microwave for 10-20 seconds or until creamy and pourable. DO NOT MELT COMPLETELY. Pour butter, all at once, into dry ingredients; thoroughly scrape butter from the bowl using a spatula. Mix until all dry ingredients are incorporated and dough is smooth. (If dough is too stiff to stir, knead until smooth by hand on a cutting board.)

4. Shape dough, bake and decorate as desired (See directions below).


Chocolate: Substitute one package (18.25 ounces) devil's food cake mix for the white cake mix. Add flour and butter as recipe directs.

Spice: Substitute one package (18.25 ounces) yellow cake mix for the white cake mix. Add 1 tablespoon Cinnamon. Add flour and butter as recipe directs.

Peanut Butter: Substitute one package (18.25 ounces) yellow cake mix for the white cake mix. Add flour as directed. Whisk 2/3 cup peanut butter into softened butter until smooth; add to dry ingredients as recipe directs.


Pressed Cookies: Use a Cookie Press and the disk of your choice. Press dough onto flat cookie sheet or baking stone, 1 inch apart. Bake 15-17 minutes or until very light golden brown. Cool 3 minutes; remove to a cooling rack. Cool completely. (See Cookie Creations.)

Cut-out Cookies: Turn dough on to well-floured cutting board. With floured hands, gently knead the dough, adding up to 1/2 cup additional flour as needed to form a firm dough. Divide dough into 3 equal portions. Shape each portion into an 8 inch disk. Generously flour surface of cutting board or countertop. Roll one disk out evenly using a rolling pin. Cut cookie shapes with Cookie Cutters; place onto parchment paper, 1 inch apart. Slide parchment paper onto flat cookie sheet or baking stone. Bake 15-17 minutes or until very light golden brown. Cool 3 minutes; remove to a cooling rack. Cool completely. (See Cookie Creations.)

Drop Cookies: Add any desired mix-ins to dough (See Cookie Creations for list of mix-ins.)
Drop level scoops of cookie dough onto cookie sheet or baking stone, 2 inches apart. Bake 15-17 minutes or until very light golden brown. Cool 3 minutes; remove to a cooling rack. Cool completely. (See Cookie Creations.)


  • Make sure to preheat the oven 10-15 minutes before baking.
  • If you have only one cookie sheet or baking stone, portion the cookie dough onto parchment paper cut to the size of your sheet or stone. As you remove one batch of cookies from the oven, unbaked cookies can be quickly placed onto the sheet or stone and placed in the oven. This will save time as well as cleanup.
  • For best results, cool cookies 3 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. This will allow the sugars to become firm and prevent broken or wrinkled cookies.
  • More than one batch of cookies can be baked at the same time. For best results, position cookie sheets or baking stones on separate oven racks but not directly above one another. Rotate sheets or stones halfway through the baking time to ensure evenly baked cookies.


Marbled Cookies: Wearing disposable gloves, knead food coloring into dough just to the point when the color is streaking through the dough. Form dough as desired.

Tinted Cookies: Wearing disposable gloves, knead food coloring into dough, one drop at a time, until desired color is achieved.

Citrus Scented Cookies: Using short strokes, zest one lemon or orange; knead zest into dough.

Mix-ins for Drop Cookies: Mix in 1/2 to 1 cup of any combination of the following ingredients to the dough - miniature semi-sweet chocolate morsels; whole, grated or chopped nuts; raisins; flaked coconut; dried cranberries; miniature candy-coated chocolate pieces; chopped candies; chocolate chunks; white chocolate chips; or toffee bits.

Cookies for Any Occasion (Part II) (Forming and Decorating Tips)...coming soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Facebook...status updates...

If you didn't already know, Facebook "manages" what posts/feeds you receive! And it's not just's your friends updates too! Apparently, if you do not regularly comment on or somehow physically interact with pages you like or friends you have, then you only sometimes get their updates! If you are a person (like me) who enjoys reading updates and statuses, but perhaps doesn't always feel the need to comment or “like”, then you are likely missing out on many updates your friends are posting. In fact, when you finally do look into the issue (which of course isn't until you find out that you didn't get an important status update…ummm, like the birth of a family member.) Facebook tells you (plain as day…but really not so plain since you had to actually go looking for the info.) that when you “friend” someone, you are automatically set to receive “most updates”, and that you can then go in and adjust the settings for that person to receive more or less. It is, by all sense of the word, complete MADNESS!

It is quite a pain in the rear, but you can (and probably should) fix this. Unfortunately, there is no “one button fix”…you will have to go to each friend/page individually to correct the problem.

And here’s how…

For Pages that you've liked (such as TV shows, personal blogs, websites, etc…) hover over the “liked” button, then click on “Show in News Feed”.

For Friends, you can correct this in one of two ways. (For those of you with hundreds of thousands of friends, this may take a while!) Go to your personal page and click on your “Friends” tab. Hover over each “Friends” name, then hover over the “Friends” button. At this point you can 1) Set each person that you truly wish to receive all notifications from as a “Close Friend” or 2) Click on click on “Settings”, then “All Updates”. If you'd like email notification of updates, also click on "Get Notifications".

Please…share this with all your friends!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


According to new research, one cooked egg (boiled or scrambled) has up to 41 IU of Vitamin D! (Adults should be getting 400 to 600 IU of Vitamin D per day.)

Added bonuses:
(courtesy of

Nutrition in a Boiled Egg
Eggs, according to the Incredible Edible Egg's website, contain 13 essential nutrients and only contain 70 calories on average. Each egg contains 6.29 g of protein, 0.39 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of fat, 212 mg of cholesterol, 1.55 g of saturated fat, 125.5 mg of choline, 244 IU vitamin A, 18 IU vitamin D, 0.48 mg vitamin E, 0.071 mg vitamin B6 and 24 mcg folate. Eggs also contain magnesium, sodium, calcium, riboflavin, thiamine, phosphorous, iron and zinc. In addition, eggs contain two compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin.

Eye Health
The two antioxidants in eggs--lutein and zeaxanthin--contribute to eye health. These antioxidants help prevent age-related blindness and reduce the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which causes blurred and distorted vision. Although 166 mcg are of these antioxidants are in an egg, these antioxidants are easier to absorb from eggs than any other food source.

Weight Loss
Each egg contains 13 percent of the daily recommended value of protein. Protein is used to build and repair the tissues and muscles within the body and it is also partially responsible for immune function. The protein in eggs is considered high quality protein. This type of protein will help people maintain a healthy weight if eaten as part of a regular breakfast and a reduced calorie diet.

Cell Functioning
Each egg contains 23 percent of the daily recommended value of choline, which is necessary for the functioning of all cells in the body. This includes cells that transport nutrients throughout the body and to cells associated with memory. This mineral also helps promote memory and brain functioning in children and helps prevent birth defects.

Some may argue that eggs are high in cholesterol, which they are, and by all means should your doctor have you on a restricted diet than you should absolutely do what he/she says, but other than strict medical restrictions, eating eggs in moderation are absolutely good for your health. And if you're concerned with the amount of cholesterol you are consuming, you may, of course, leave the yolk out, although eating the entire egg (yolk and whites) ensures that you receive all the nutritional value they have to offer!

AND...boiled eggs can last up to a whole week in the fridge! So totally keep a few of these healthy little beauties hanging around for a quick breakfast...easy snack time...or cut up in a salad (Spinach is my favorite)!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Letters to Disney Characters...No Longer Available

I was hoping to share a cool, fun "offer" that I found posted on different persons blogs out there (mainly Couponing to Disney). Apparently, many moons ago, Disney used to accept character fan mail and would then turn around and send you a signed postcard from that character. Such an awesome idea...wish I had known about it sooner! Before I would actually share this awesome info. with you, I decided to do a little research. Other than the few random blogs/comments I came across, I couldn't find any "official" information on any legitimate Disney websites. So I decided to actually contact them directly and get the scoop from them. Turns out, this "service" is no longer offered! How freaking sad am I? 

Here's the actual email response I received:

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

We were very pleased to receive your message. As you may know, our Disney characters are kept very busy greeting the many guests who come to Walt Disney World each day. Since time doesn't allow the characters to personally write back to their  fans, we no longer have character fan mail. However, we are very glad to have special friends like you!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Booh Gitonga
WDW Online Communications

So, now I'm like seriously bummed...although how amazingly "Disney-like" is that email? Such a super-tastic fantabulous way to say, "Bug off...Don't waste your time...or ours..." and how spectacular is this person's name? it!!

But, back to my sadness...having just had a little one, I had already envisioned plastering the walls with all kinds of autographed postcards from all the Disney characters only to find my hopes and dreams obliterated by this simple, albeit cheery, email! 

So...Just thought I'd share my findings and let you all know that, as of right now, this fun service is no longer available...lots of people forwarding this information around out there (good ole Pinterest)...just want to save people some serious disappointment when they don't receive a postcard back!

Now, of course, I am totally known for my stubborn ways, so despite the email response I received, I may just go ahead and "learn the hard way" and give it a shot anyways just to see what happens! (yeah, I'm a rebel like that!)

Here's two of the addresses I found and the email address I used to contact them:

Disneyland Resort Guest Communications
Attn: Character Fan Mail
P.O. Box 3232
Anaheim, CA 92803-3232

Walt Disney World Resort
Attn: Character Fan Mail
P.O Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL. 32830-0040

Just to be fair, I did find the following website where apparently you can purchase and create your own postcards, but what the heck kind of fun is that?