Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 5...

Crazy Daylight Savings Time has me running around like a crazy person! Left work yesterday, picked up Lil Chickie from sitter, rushed home, ran in the house, changed clothes, threw her in the stroller and headed out for my walk...in the dark!  It was just too dang dark to be out and about...I only got about 20 minutes of walking in...but I made it count. I was super speed walking and my shins and knees were SCREAMING! Went back home and got in a little stretching, 30 crunches, 30 leg splits, and about 5 minutes of kettlebelling. Lil Chickie was being a bit clingy and I was getting too close to smacking her in the head, so I had to give up the kettlebells for the evening. My knee is definetely rebelling against me today...think I'll take the walking easy for the next day or two!

Breakfast was one biscuit and a coffee. Lunch and dinner was leftover vegetables. Homemade Baked Pumpkin Seeds for snack and ice pops for dessert.

4 bottles of water...YAY!

Think I might work on the arms and abs tonight...maybe a little living room dancing (or as much as I can do with one bum knee...won't that be a sight)???

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