Thursday, November 8, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 7...

Totally snatched up Lil Chickie from the sitter and made it home in time to get a good walk in! Got approx. 3.5 - 4 miles in...and in about 40 minutes! Could absolutely feel the burn as I walked (with spurts of jogging). Got back home, dripping sweat, and did a little stretching, 30 push ups, and about 5 minute free weight arm routine (30 reps of each lift...keeping it real, yo!).

On the last leg of our walk, we encountered a squirrel who was either on his last leg and just didn't give a damn anymore or, and I much prefer to think of him this way, was a total bad-ass and just didn't give a crap! He sat in the middle of the street as the cars passed him by, then totally scampered through the grass, onto the sidewalk and under Lil Chickie's stroller...sending a group of three pre-teens, who happened to be passing us at the time, screaming bloody murder as they ran like the devil himself were after I just cautiously lifted the stroller up (cuz as cute as those furry little critters may be, they can be vicious little bastards when they wanna be and I could just see him clawing his way up Lil Chickie and me having to choke the living daylights out of him to defend her thus proving that he wasn't the little bad-ass that he originally set out to be) and he just trotted out and up the nearest tree. "Super-squirrel" fo' sure!

Coffee and 2 caramel rice cakes for breakfast (those suckers are actually pretty darn good). Leftover vegetables for lunch (with a brownie for dessert) and Pot Roast with Potato's and Carrots and a side of rice and beans for dinner (and another brownie)...all shared with Lil Chickie (naturally)!

4 bottles of water...down the hatch...easily...and with a big "AGGGHHHH!"

I don't know if I'm actually making a difference as far as losing weight, but it feels good to get active. It at least feels like you're making a matter what the mirror or scale may say. And it's all about how you feel, right?

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