Thursday, November 1, 2012

Getting Started...

Ok...seriously? I'm doing it! I really and truly am! I'm making a commitment to myself (cuz that's all that really matters) to start shedding the pounds! Now is the time for action!

I'm tired of feeling sluggish all the time. Tired of my clothes mysteriously shrinking overnight! Tired of my arse looking more and more like one of the pumpkins we carved last night! It's time to do something about it!

Having kids, getting older, stress...there's always something contributing to my expanding waist/rear. Not to mention the fact that I am absolutely 100% addicted to sweets. I don't know what it is, I mean I've always liked sweets, but it seems that ever since I got pregnant with my second child, I am ADDICTED to sugar! I actually suffered from gestational diabetes during my pregnancy...had to check my blood four freaking times a day and had to take medicine to help lower my levels. I really hoped the addiction would pass once she got here, but it seems to continue to plague me daily! I truly believe it's partly because I quit smoking (almost 2 years now...YAY)...but it seems I've traded one life-threatening vice for another! I've got to overcome!

Now, I'm not gonna go on some crazy fad diet...not going to start counting calories or weighing food...and definitely not revving up to 60 mph in the exercise department...that would last all of about a day! Slow and steady may not "win" the race...but WILL get me there in the end!

So, how am I gonna do it?  Well, I'm so glad you asked! I am starting what I am dubbing the "30/30/30 plan"! 30 least 30 minutes of "activity" per lose 30 pounds! Now realistically, 30 pounds in one month is pushing it...but it can be done!

Of course, I couldn't have picked a worse time to decide to "get it in gear" with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner and all the yummy goodness that goes along with it! But that is precisely why I am choosing now to get started. 1) I can't enjoy all the upcoming goodness without some kind of action plan in place now and 2) this is a good "warm-up" period that I can (hopefully) kick into high gear at the beginning of the new year.

Besides 30 minutes of activity per day (that could mean anything from walking around the neighborhood to doing jumping jacks in my living room to doing a kettlebell work long as I'm moving!), I am making the following commitments:
  • at least "30" ounces of water per day (y'all, that's only 2 water bottles a day...which really should be at least 4 or 5 bottles per day!)
  • at least 3 nights per week will be vegetable/healthy night
That's it! Simple...easy...shouldn't be too hard to stick to! I'll give a brief update each day and see what I wind up with (or without) in 30 days.

I welcome you to join me on my "Shaping up" journey for the next 30 whatever method works for you...and let me know what you're doing to "shape up". A little POSITIVE encouragement and motivation is always welcome and certainly needed!

Perhaps one day soon I will truly be a "LIL" Miss Smarty-Pants!!

And here's a few resources I've checked out and/or will be using...

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