Friday, November 2, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 1...

Yesterday was the first day of my 30/30/30 plan.

When I got home from work, I loaded up Lil Chickie and went for a "stroll" around the neighborhood. And by "stroll", I mean a brisk walk of different paces. I usually put the earbuds in (only one when Lil Chickie is with me) and just walk to the beat of the I get fast, slow and an occasional "jog". And when I say "jog", I mean a 10 - 20 second sudden burst of energy or a "trot" across the street to avoid traffic. It's not so much a stamina or breathing issue that keeps me from jogging, but rather immense pain in my knees, calves, and ankles! I might eventually build up to jogging, but I'm perfectly ok with the brisk walking!

I don't know my exact distance...not really an exact way to measure. The boy suggested I buy one of those "wheel things" to measure distance. Ummm...yeah...cuz that will look so super cool! And really, I'm only doing this for me so exact measurements (as far as distance) don't really matter. I'd say I walked no less than 3 miles and not more than 4. And all in about 40 minutes!

Lunch was Black Eyed Peas and a Michelina's 5 Cheese lasagna. Dinner was vegetables...broccoli, spinach, and corn...and a handful of croutons. I know that sounds like a restrictive diet to some, but I actually LOVE it was all very yummy to me. BUT, I was craving something sweet afterward, so I told the boy to go make us some brownies. He said, "Ummm, that's not going to help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days!" I hate that...but since I didn't feel like making them myself, I opted instead for 2 ice pops. A much healthier choice, I'm sure.

I drank a total of 67.6 ounces of water yesterday...or 4 water bottles!

Tonight is Family Night (once a month gathering of my immediate family for eating, playing games, visiting, etc...), so I'll have to figure out how to get my 30 minutes in. I may just have to double up tomorrow...which is a bad habit I don't want to get into, but sometimes you just gotta!

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