Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 19 and 20...

Been a nice vacation so far...getting stuff done and relaxing when I can. Therefore, as I anticipated, I missed a day of updates. Just an FYI...probably gonna miss another day...due to stuffing my face with Turkey and then sitting in a coma like state watching football and visiting with family!

Day 19 - Lil Chickie and I walked for 45 the bright sun...came back dripping sweat and beet red! 30 push ups and intense house cleaning (bending, squatting, stretching, etc...) rounded everything up.

Breakfast was a banana and a cup of coffee. Lunch was a small salad and leftover Chicken Chile. Because I ate lunch so late, I wasn't really hungry for dinner, so I snacked on some Goldfish crackers instead.

3 bottles of water and a glass of Hawaiian Punch.

Day 20 - Lil Chickie and I got up and went to have doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, dropped off items at Goodwill, then headed to Wal-Mart. That right there should have been our work-out for the day. Inevitably, every time I go to Wal-Mart, I end up walking the whole store at least twice...usually because I go to one side, then to the other, only to realize I forgot something from the other side and have to go back! But, we still came home and walked for 40 minutes. I also threw in 30 push ups for good measure!

While at Wal-Mart, I FINALLY purchased a new scale! Nothing too fancy, no bells and whistles...but it's digital...easier to read than the piece of poo I was using...and so far WAY more accurate! Good news/Bad news...not sure which...the new scale pretty much matched the old scale (give or take a pound), but so much easier to read and I weighed three times in a row and got a consistent number. So, for now, I'm a happy girl!

Breakfast was approx. 8 - 10 doughnut holes and chocolate milk. Lunch was a large salad with avocado, slivered almonds, boiled eggs, bacon pieces and approx. 2 tbsp. Italian dressing (so yummy). Dinner was Lipton Broccoli Rice, shared with Lil Chickie.

Only 2 bottles of water and 2 glasses of Hawaiian Punch.

Here's hoping your eating/exercise plan is going well.

Till tomorrow...

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