Thursday, November 15, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 14...

I'm not entirely sure about this statement...when I'm sick, I certainly feel like something's trying to kill me...and DEFINITELY don't feel stronger. BUT...the key is to try and push through what you can...keep on going and ignore (to the best of your ability) that demon that's trying to get you down!

I felt like complete dog poop last night, but I packed up Lil Chickie and headed to the grocery store. My cupboards were completely bare...time to stock up! Might not have been "hard-core", but walked for over an hour...up and down the aisles...bending and stretching to pick up all the items that Lil Chickie kept pulling out of her bag and throwing "overboard"! I'd call that a semi-workout! I also managed to get in 30 leg lifts, calf raises, and some butt clenching while ironing!

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee, a Banana Nut Muffin and some Pumpkin Streusel Dump Cake thingie that a co-worker made. Doesn't sound very appealing, but was yum-yum delish! Lunch was left over Tilapia, Lima Beans and Corn...and 2 cake balls. Dinner was a large Spinach Salad...with real bacon pieces, slivered almonds, boiled eggs, and only a few tablespoons of Ranch dressing (just enough to barely coat the leaves). Oh my word...I freaking love Spinach salad! Even Lil Chickie was getting down with the's just that good! If you haven't read it yet, check out my blog about the health benefit of Eggs. Dessert was a small glass (about 4 oz.) of Southern Comfort (non-alcoholic) Vanilla Spice Egg Nog. Oh, Stars and Garters, y'all! I am NOT an egg nog person...I force myself to try some every year, just to see if my taste buds have changed, but usually only wind up reminding myself of how much I am NOT an egg nog person! BUT...Holy Cow...let me tell you...this stuff is un-freaking-believable! Like, so much so, I will literally have to force myself not to drink the whole dang carton! 

2 1/2 bottles of water, cup of Echinacea tea, and a small glass of Hawaiian Punch today. Oh...and that 4 ounces of Egg Nog.

Picked up some OTC medicine while at the store. No time for this "crud" to set up shop it keep on moving. Here's hoping I can knock it out quickly and be back in gear soon!

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