Sunday, November 11, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 10

I woke up raring to go...eager to be active and get stuff done! Had some breakfast with Lil Chickie then started work early (I  do contract work at home on an as needed basis). After a bit, I took a break and Lil Chickie and I went for a long the bright, beautiful sunshine. 

A nice 45 minute walk...calves screaming...feeling the burn in my thighs and hips...really working it! Not only do I alternate paces, I alternate strides...this allows different areas to rest while other areas get to feel the burn. We got back home (me dripping sweat), did some much needed stretching, 30 leg lifts, 30 push-ups, 30 calf raises, and some butt clenches. We then took  an even more much needed shower, and then ate lunch. Lil Chickie then passed out for what turned into a 2 1/2 hr. nap...which I took full advantage of to finish working, do some laundry, and do some blogging!

Breakfast was a lightly fried corn tortilla with cheese and some homemade maple and brown sugar oatmeal with two cups of coffee. Lunch and dinner was leftover Conchitas and the last brownie.

4 bottles of water today. Naturally, I find that I drink more water on the days I get a walk in. It just tastes so much better!

The 2 1/2 hr. nap came back to bite me in the butt as Lil Chickie decided to fight sleep and kept me up until 12:30 p.m....usually not that big a deal...I've always been a night-owl...but since I didn't take a nap and had such an amazing, strenuous day of work/working out, I was really freaking tired! When she finally went down, I crawled in bed and passed out immediately!

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