Monday, November 5, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 4...

OMG! Sunday morning started out great. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, I got my extra hour of sleep...woke up in a great mood...ate breakfast with Lil Chickie...etc.

But about 2:00 p.m. my migraine came ROARING back with a vengeance! Thankfully, Lil Chickie took a 2 hr. nap and I laid with a blanket wrapped around my head (to block out the light) and tried to nap...which with a migraine is more like "dozing" and is not very restful! If you've ever had a migraine then you know the slightest bit of movement can cause immense pain. Needless to say, I once again did not get my 30 minutes of activity in. I did manage a fe leg lifts and butt clenches...but that is it!

Breakfast was scrambled eggs, Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal and biscuits...all shared with Lil Chickie. Lunch was chips and salsa verde and Chicken Tortilla Soup from Gringo's and a small soft serve chocolate ice cream for dessert. Dinner was homemade nachos (chips, beans, cheese, ranch dip, and jalapenos) and ice pops for dessert!

Unfortunately I drank 2 cans of soda because of the migraine, but I did manage to get in 2 bottles of water too.

The good news - I'm down 8 pounds already! Don't ask me how...could be a scale "fluke" or maybe the little bit of exercise and increased water intake have actually made that much of a difference?? For now...I'll take it! We'll have to see what the scale says again next Sunday. In the meantime, I've gotta find a way to rev it back up. As much as I love daylight savings really sux! It gets dark so much faster which leaves me with little light to go walking in! Guess there will be more "living room dancing" and kettlebell workouts from now on!

Has anyone joined me on a 30 day plan? Share if you have any updates or motivation for me!

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