Friday, November 16, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 15...

It has been one heck of a week! Between the holiday coming up and me trying to avoid getting sick, things have just been crazy upside-down for me!

No workout last night. Still a little under the weather and had a little work to do, but did manage about...ummm...2 minutes of dancing with the radio and 30 leg lifts and butt clenches.

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee and half a banana. Lunch was another Large Spinach Salad. Dinner was Macaroni and Cheese and Pinto Beans.

Only 2 bottles of water... definitely gotta step it up!

I'm sooooo looking forward to the holiday! I have all of next week off and I'm looking forward to relaxing, getting in some good walking in the sunshine, spending time with the kids and family, and enjoying (probably too much) some delicious Thanksgiving yummies! I will still attempt to update each day...but we'll see!

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