
I do not work for Microsoft...I am not a Professor or Engineer or Super-Alien...I am not anywhere close to genius (although at times I've been known to produce a genius thought or two)...I do not have a super-clean, super-organized house (yet)...I am not super-mom or super-human! I am simply a "Smarty-Pants" who enjoys learning "tips, tricks, and ideas" through research and self-discovery and sharing said "tips, tricks, and ideas" with others...especially if they make life easier, quicker, "funner", etc. (Yes, Yes, I said "funner"...sometimes the made up words are the best!)

My "knowledge" comes from everywhere. I am mostly self-taught (because I totally believe that is the best way to do/learn anything...at your own-pace, in your own-time, which is usually when you're fully ready to comprehend), but  I have been known to attend seminars or pick up a "self-help" book every now and again to further expand my knowledge base (I know...shocking)!

By no means am I the Christopher Columbus of these "tips, tricks, and ideas"...I am surely not the first person to have discovered them and certainly not the first person to share them...although some people charge bajillions of dollars to share their "tips, tricks, and ideas" that I share for free! I give credit where credit is due and take no credit for any of these "tips, tricks, and ideas" as someone somewhere has undoubtedly had the same idea at some point! I do, however, take credit for taking the time to sit down and put everything together for easier sharing...even if I do sometimes re-create the wheel!

If you like what you see, share it with your friends and visit me often! If there's something you'd like to see in the future, shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do. If you're way smarter than me and already know all this stuff, don't post anything negative...just move on to the next site and thanks for visiting!

Click here for a Welcome and to find out a little more about this blog!