Monday, November 19, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 18

Yesterday was weigh-in day, but who the heck knows if I lost or gained? Seriously, y'all. I get on again, off again, set the dial thingie, on again, off again, re-adjust the dial thingie, on again, off again, and so on. The first time it said I stayed the same, the second time it said I gained like 6 pounds, third time I had actually lost two...I mean, really? This is just too dang frustrating. I promise I'm not in denial and as much as I'd like to lose weight each week, I'd be ok if I didn't, but the fact that I really can't get an accurate reading...and maybe never had an accurate reading to begin enough to drive me batty! So...I'm going this soon as buy a better scale. Maybe I won't like the numbers...or maybe I'll find that I haven't lost as much as I think I have...but at least it will be a little more accurate (hopefully) and a LOT less frustrating! So, for now, I'm going to go with - I stayed the gain, no loss. That puts me WAY behind on the "30 scale", but that's ok...I want to report accurately...or as close to as possible.

I did finally take my measurements (NO, I won't tell you what they were). I can't believe I didn't do this when I first started...not that there would have been that dramatic of a change in two weeks, but I've always said how important it is to take your measurements! As you start to make better eating choices and increase your exercise and weight lifting, you may find every now and then that you don't lose weight, or may in fact gain a pound or two, but you'll find that you may have lost an inch or two instead! For me, it's not about the's about how I look and feel. I've said it before, so I'll say it again...I wouldn't care if I weighed 500 pounds...if I could fit in a size 2 (little far fetched, but you know what I mean!)

Lil Chickie and I went for a brisk (but slightly slower) walk yesterday...about 45 minutes. My hip, knee and ankles are down to the bone...almost like growing pains or something. Still pushing through it...wanna take advantage of my time to walk in the sun!

Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee. Lunch was Olive Garden salad and Lobster Canneloni with Shrimp and Marscapone Cheese (yes, it was as rich as it sounds and very good). Dinner was pizza. (Can you tell I wasn't happy about the weigh-in results? Just threw my hands up and enjoyed my day of food!)

2 1/2 bottles of water...Peach/Raspberry Tea...1 glass of Hawaiian Punch.

Till tomorrow...

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