Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Facebook...status updates...

If you didn't already know, Facebook "manages" what posts/feeds you receive! And it's not just's your friends updates too! Apparently, if you do not regularly comment on or somehow physically interact with pages you like or friends you have, then you only sometimes get their updates! If you are a person (like me) who enjoys reading updates and statuses, but perhaps doesn't always feel the need to comment or “like”, then you are likely missing out on many updates your friends are posting. In fact, when you finally do look into the issue (which of course isn't until you find out that you didn't get an important status update…ummm, like the birth of a family member.) Facebook tells you (plain as day…but really not so plain since you had to actually go looking for the info.) that when you “friend” someone, you are automatically set to receive “most updates”, and that you can then go in and adjust the settings for that person to receive more or less. It is, by all sense of the word, complete MADNESS!

It is quite a pain in the rear, but you can (and probably should) fix this. Unfortunately, there is no “one button fix”…you will have to go to each friend/page individually to correct the problem.

And here’s how…

For Pages that you've liked (such as TV shows, personal blogs, websites, etc…) hover over the “liked” button, then click on “Show in News Feed”.

For Friends, you can correct this in one of two ways. (For those of you with hundreds of thousands of friends, this may take a while!) Go to your personal page and click on your “Friends” tab. Hover over each “Friends” name, then hover over the “Friends” button. At this point you can 1) Set each person that you truly wish to receive all notifications from as a “Close Friend” or 2) Click on click on “Settings”, then “All Updates”. If you'd like email notification of updates, also click on "Get Notifications".

Please…share this with all your friends!

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