Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 13...

Uggghhh! I knew it was coming. It's that time of year and all the dang work peoples who just aren't smart enough to stay their sick butt's home just bring it in and the passing of the cooties begins! My eyes are burning and dry...I look like a mad person, continuously squinting to see something! My sinuses are starting to clog up and my back aches like someone whooped up on me with a bat! I'm so hoping I can nip it in the bud quickly and avoid the flu that this seems to wanna be! And just in time for Thanksgiving. Thanks everybody!!

Needless to say, no workout last night. Actually that was more due to the fact that I had unexpected guests drop I chose to visit with them and skip the work out! I don't have high hopes for accomplishing much working out today...especially if my condition continues to worsen as it has done all morning.

Breakfast was half of a blueberry muffin and half of a chocolate chip muffin and 2 cups of coffee. Lunch was left over pork chops, peas and mashed potatoes...with a few cake balls. Dinner was pan seared Tilapia, white corn, and lima beans...and a few more cake balls.

2 bottles of water, cup of Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care Wellness Tea, and a soda.

Here's hoping this "crud" passes quickly and I can get it in gear again!

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