Sunday, November 18, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 17...

I felt this was appropriate as I had one of those days where I just felt like a big ole' fattie and like nothing is happening and if I'd had a big bowl of brownies, I probably would have eaten them all. Thank Heaven, I did not! I suppose we all go through that every now and then, but I've had great success so far...lost at least 10 pounds already (maybe more...weigh in day tomorrow), so I'll just chalk it up to the funky blues and keep on keeping on! Of course, it also doesn't help that I was all crampy and bloated again and back hurting...body just feeling all kinds of icky!

I did a little cleaning...mostly picking up Lil Chickie's toys and belongings, kitchen, and laundry (until the dryer died on me)! Finished contract work then packed up Lil Chickie for our walk. Still feeling pretty poopy (how can your sinuses be stuffed up and running at the same time?) and my knees and ankles are hurting pretty badly, so I only walked about 30 minutes. I didn't want to push too hard...wanna be able to walk some more this week! Also got in 30 leg lifts and 2 sets of 30 counter push-ups.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and pancakes with Lil Chickie. Lunch was a mixed green salad with slivered almonds, boiled egg, bacon pieces, avocado and approx. 2 tbsp. Italian dressing. Dinner was Chicken Chile with Hominy, Great Northern Beans, Celery, Onion and a Potato.

3 1/2 bottles of water and 2 glasses of Hawaiian Punch.

Looking forward to walking again tomorrow!

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