Friday, November 9, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 8...

Not much to report for yesterday, unfortunately. Had some work to do at home so didn't get in too much exercise. Did manage 30 leg lifts, 30 hamstring lifts, 30 calf raises and a couple of butt clenches. Not the workout I need, but still something!

Last of the pumpkin seeds for breakfast/brunch. Lunch was beans and rice and Enchilada casserole...although I started getting full really quickly and wound up with heartburn the rest of the day. You know...that kind where you're scared to burp cuz you might throw up a little...yeah, it was gross! Needless to say, I pretty much skipped dinner...munched on some goldfish crackers while I worked and had a root beer to help with the heartburn and slight headache.

3 bottles of water today. I'm meeting my goal, but feel that I need to increase just a bit more...definitely feel the difference...especially in the potty breaks. I just look at it as literally flushing the fat and toxins away. Is it just me, or does anyone else ever picture a counterclockwise whirlpool of yuckiness swirling down your insides as you release your "business"? Like flushing your inner toilet...before you flush your outer one?Yeah...I figured...just me!

Got more work I'm all crampy and probably not getting much workout tonight (although I did quite a bit this morning...will tell you about that next time), but am looking forward to a long walk tomorrow...when I can get out in the sun!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Um, yep, just you. But I sure did lol when I read it.