Monday, November 12, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 11...

Yesterday was "weigh-in" day. Anyone feel like donating a better scale? I replaced my last scale (which just suddenly froze one day) with the cheap dial version and I'm realizing now that I got what I paid for! Every time I weigh myself, I have to adjust the stupid little wheel adjuster thingie about 10 times before I can get what I feel is even close to an accurate reading. I swear, I could not touch it and weigh myself 5 times and get a different number each time. So, after adjusting it a ridiculous amount of times, and coming up with fairly consistent numbers, the good news is, it appears that I lost another 2 pounds...that's 10 pounds in about as many days!

I took advantage of some extra time to get a little cleaning done around mi casa. Scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning kitchen, doing laundry, etc... In addition, Lil Chickie and I still managed to get in some stretching and a 45 minute walk...power walking like a boss! Got back dripping sweat and face beet red...I'd say that was a heck of a workout! Also, did 30 leg lifts, 30 calf raises, 30 hamstring lifts and some butt clenches while I did some ironing!

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with Lil Chickie. Lunch was the last of the Conchitas and a little queso and chips. Dinner was a Ramen Noodle Soup with Cauliflower added. Sweet tooth came back again, so I made some cake's what I had on hand! BUT...controlled portions...hopefully!

3 1/2 bottles of water...shared a little with Lil Chickie.

My calves and knees are killing me. I may have power walked just a little too hard this weekend! It feels like my calves are stuck in a permanent charlie horse. AND...Lil Chickie decided (AGAIN) that she would stay up till 12:30 a.m. leaving me sore, tired and just a tad cranky today! Taking it easy on the walking for a day or two...time to focus on some ab and arm workouts!

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