Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30/30/30 plan...Day 6...

Oh, I'm soooo not even close to "success" or being where I need/want to be...but I like'd the positive message behind  this! It's all about not giving up. If I miss a day...or eat poorly...or just feel like being lazy every now and's long as I get right back to it!

I know I just began this...and really am not giving it as much effort as I really could/should be, but already I feel like I'm making a difference. I wake up and feel muscles hurt, which sux, but means that I'm putting them to good knee is killing me, but only because I walked my butt off two nights ago! Slowly...slowly...slowly...headed in the right direction!

Lil Chickie wasn't having any of it last night. I rushed home (which means I sat in an hour of traffic) to get some working out/dancing in, but she was all about the clinging and fussing. She's teething (AGAIN) and just a tad sick, so she totally comes first! I did manage to get in about 10 minutes of kettelbelling and a few leg lifts and butt clenches.

Lunch was leftover vegetables and 2 biscuits with honey. Dinner was all new vegetables...sugar snap peas and zucchini! However, my sweet-tooth came a I gave in and made a batch of brownies. Gonna take it nice and easy with those oh so yummy morsels of gooey goodness!

3 bottles of water today.

Here's hoping I get a walk in tonight! If not, I'm so gonna do jumping jacks, running in place, whatever I gotta do to get in some work out time!

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