Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Okay...seriously...it takes a lot of work to get a blog started! Especially if you're doing it as something to "share with the world" (so to speak). You gotta actually use your "noggin" and come up with a "fun, cutesy, catchy" title and a blog address that makes sense, which, of course, the first title and blog address that you come up with that made you even want to start the blog in the first place is never available requiring you to start the freak over and figure out something that makes sense with this idea that you came up with that made you want to blog in the first place because of a title/address that is not available! Uggghhhh!! THEN...when you finally/hopefully come up with a new title and available blog address, you attempt to link to a Facebook page...you know...because there are so many fabulous people out there just dying to become a member of YOUR new blog...requiring you to come up with a Facebook page name and Facebook page address (which is 100% absolutely taken because there's a million (and one) wankers out there that set up a Facebook page/address and then don't use it) so then you have to get even more super funky/creative with a name/address so that it somehow ties in with your blog name/address...please DO NOT go back and change the blog name...it will become a never-ending cycle!

Once you FINALLY have ALL that figured out and you've typed and edited (and re-edited) your description and "About" page, you then will find yourself staring at a blank "new post" screen wandering what the heck the most logical first step is. What makes sense as your first post? Do you just dive right in...or will everybody be like, "Yo, where did that come from?" Am I required to put a bit of foreplay into my first blog instead of just going all in? Who the heck knows at this point?

My original thought on creating this blog was to share "tips and tricks" for Microsoft WORD and EXCEL (and maybe even some of the other less commonly used, but oh so much fun, Microsoft programs) because I am constantly asked by co-workers/friends/family, "Do you know how to [insert random request here]". As mentioned in my "About" page, I am not an employee of Microsoft...not a Professor or Engineer or any other kind of genius profession...not a super-human or super-hero (sniff). I do, however, work with Microsoft applications on a daily basis and test at a 98-100% level (Yay, me), so whenever I'm asked, "Do you know how to [insert random request here]", I love being able to reply, "Sure...do this, this, and that..." or, on that rare occasion I don't know how to do it, I enjoy figuring it out and then sharing. So, I figured, why not start a blog to share these random "tips and tricks" for anyone out there who stumbles upon my site and might be interested in learning something new.

But, then I thought, why stop there? Perhaps the plethora of random "tips, tricks, and ideas" that I encounter on any given day may be worth sharing? Some may be "tips, tricks, and ideas" that I came up with all by my big self (or at least as far as I know, I did)...some may be "tips, tricks, and ideas" that I found elsewhere (on other blogs or Pinterest or random internet searches) and will share (and credit) as is, and some may be "tips, tricks, and ideas" that I may have found elsewhere, but took and expanded upon or added to (to which I will give and take credit...naturally). I truly am a Lil' Miss Smarty-Pants in all sense of the word!

So, with all that said, I officially welcome you to my blog of "tips, tricks and ideas" for the "common man (or woman)" in everyday life. In other words, how can I make things easier, quicker, "funner", etc. for myself and those around me? Here you'll find a multitude of "tips, tricks, and ideas" including Microsoft programs, as well as organization...crafting...parenting...or whatever insanity pops into my mind at any random moment....because let's face it...even if we never do it, we're all like, "Ooooh...what a super-fabulous idea"!

I welcome comments, questions and ideas...contact me anytime (see "Find Me" page)...but, please don't pee in my Cheerios and I promise not to pee in yours!